The Account query is used to fetch the details of your team or individual account on DeepSource. It also provides mutations to configure account-wide settings.


Query:account Fetch the details of a single DeepSource account.


Field Type Description
login String! The login or username to lookup the account by.
vcsProvider VCSProvider! VCS Provider of the account.

Sample Request

query {
  account(login: "deepsourcelabs", vcsProvider: GITHUB) {

Sample Response

  "data": {
    "account": {
      "login": "cyberdyne",
      "id": "QWNjb3VudDp6bWpws2I=",
      "type": "TEAM",
      "vcsProvider": "GITHUB",
      "vcsUrl": "",
      "avatarUrl": ""



Field Type Description
id String! The ID of the object.
login String! The unique identifier (or username) of the account.
type AccountType! The account type (individual or team).
vcsProvider VCSProvider! VCS Provider of the account.
vcsUrl String URL for the account on the VCS Provider.
isBetaTester Boolean! Whether the account is a beta tester.
avatarUrl String URL for the account's public avatar.
subscription AccountSubscription! Subscription and billing details of the account.
report Report! The report associated with this account.
key ReportKey! The key of the report to fetch.
repositories RepositoryConnection! List of repositories that belong to the requested account
offset Int
before String
after String
first Int
last Int
members TeamMemberConnection! Members of the team. This is an empty list for an individual account.
offset Int
before String
after String
first Int
last Int


Subscription and billing details of an Account.

Field Type Description
plan AccountSubscriptionPlan! The plan associated with this account's subscription.


Field Type Description
pageInfo PageInfo! Pagination data for this connection.
edges AccountEdge! Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCount Int


A Relay edge containing a Account and its cursor.

Field Type Description
node Account The item at the end of the edge.
cursor String! A cursor for use in pagination.