Fetching the OWASP Top 10 report for a repository

Query:repository:report:owaspTop10 Query for fetching the OWASP Top 10 report associated with a Repository.

Sample Request

Sample Response

Fetching the OWASP Top 10 report for an account

Query:repository:report:owaspTop10 Query for fetching the OWASP Top 10 report associated with an Account.

Sample Request

Sample Response

Fetching a report for a repository [Deprecated]

Query:repository:report field is deprecated in favor of Query:repository:reports field.

Query:repository:report Query for fetching a report associated with a Repository.

Sample Request

Sample Response

Fetching a report for an account [Deprecated]

Query:account:report field is deprecated in favor of Query:account:reports field.

Query:account:report Query for fetching a report associated with an Account.

Sample Request

Sample Response



A namespace containing all the reports available in an Account.

owaspTop10OwaspTop10Report!The OWASP Top 10 report for a account.
sansTop25SansTop25Report!The SANS Top 25 report for a account.
codeHealthTrendCodeHealthTrendReport!The Code Health Trend report for a account.
issueDistributionIssueDistributionReport!The Issue Distribution report for a account.
issuesPreventedIssuesPreventedReport!The Issues Prevented report for a account.
issuesAutofixedIssuesAutofixedReport!The Issues Autofixed report for a account.


A namespace containing all the reports available in a Repository.

owaspTop10OwaspTop10Report!The OWASP Top 10 report for a repository.
sansTop25SansTop25Report!The SANS Top 25 report for a repository.
codeHealthTrendCodeHealthTrendReport!The Code Health Trend report for a repository.
issueDistributionIssueDistributionReport!The Issue Distribution report for a repository.
issuesPreventedIssuesPreventedReport!The Issues Prevented report for a repository.
issuesAutofixedIssuesAutofixedReport!The Issues Autofixed report for a repository.


Represents the OWASP Top 10 report.

keyReportKey!An enum that uniquely identifies a report.
titleString!The title of the report.
currentValueIntThe current value of the reported statistic.
values[ReportValueItem]!The values of the report between the given start and end dates.
startDateDate!The start date for the values.
endDateDate!The end date for the values.
trends[Trend]!The trends across 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 12 months.
statusReportStatus!The status of the report.
securityIssueStats[SecurityIssueStat]!This contains all data regarding the occurrences of the compliance issues.


Represents the SANS Top 25 report.

keyReportKey!An enum that uniquely identifies a report.
titleString!The title of the report.
currentValueIntThe current value of the reported statistic.
values[ReportValueItem]!The values of the report between the given start and end dates.
startDateDate!The start date for the values.
endDateDate!The end date for the values.
trends[Trend]!The trends across 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 12 months.
statusReportStatus!The status of the report.
securityIssueStats[SecurityIssueStat]!This contains all data regarding the occurrences of the compliance issues.


Represents the Code Coverage report.

keyReportKey!An enum that uniquely identifies a report.
titleString!The title of the report.
repositoriesCodeCoverageReportRepositoryConnectionThe list of repositories along with their code coverage metric values.
qStringThe query param to search the repositories by name.
sortKeyCodeCoverageReportRepositorySortKeyAn enum to sort the list of repositories by.
offsetIntThe count of repositories to skip.
beforeStringA cursor to be used with last for backward pagination.
afterStringThe number of items to forward paginate.
lastIntThe number of items to backward paginate.


Represents the Code Health Trend report.

keyReportKey!An enum that uniquely identifies a report.
titleString!The title of the report.
currentValueIntThe current value of the reported statistic.
values[ReportValueItem]!The values of the report between the given start and end dates.
startDateDate!The start date for the values.
endDateDate!The end date for the values.
trends[Trend]!The trends across 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 12 months.


Represents the Issue Distribution report.

keyReportKey!An enum that uniquely identifies a report.
titleString!The title of the report.
currentValueIntThe current value of the reported statistic.
values[ReportValueItem]!The values of the report between the given start and end dates.
startDateDate!The start date for the values.
endDateDate!The end date for the values.
trends[Trend]!The trends across 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 12 months.
issueDistributionByAnalyzerIssueDistribution!Distribution of issues by analyzer.
issueDistributionByCategoryIssueDistribution!Distribution of issues by category.


Represents the Issues Prevented report.

keyReportKey!An enum that uniquely identifies a report.
titleString!The title of the report.
currentValueIntThe current value of the reported statistic.
values[ReportValueItem]!The values of the report between the given start and end dates.
startDateDate!The start date for the values.
endDateDate!The end date for the values.
trends[Trend]!The trends across 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 12 months.
issueDistributionByAnalyzerIssueDistribution!Distribution of issues by analyzer.
issueDistributionByCategoryIssueDistribution!Distribution of issues by category.


Represents the Issues Autofixed report.

keyReportKey!An enum that uniquely identifies a report.
titleString!The title of the report.
currentValueIntThe current value of the reported statistic.
values[ReportValueItem]!The values of the report between the given start and end dates.
startDateDate!The start date for the values.
endDateDate!The end date for the values.
trends[Trend]!The trends across 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 12 months.


Represents the list of values recorded for a report on a specific date.

dateDate!The date the values were recorded on.
valuesReportValueThe list of values recorded.


Represents a recorded value in a report.

keyString!The key to identify the recorded value
valueIntThe recorded value.


keyString!Key representing the category/type of issue.
valueInt!Number of issues in the category/type of issue.


keyString!The key of the security issue.
titleString!Title of the security issue.
occurrenceSeverityDistribution!Denotes the count of occurrences of various security issues.


criticalIntNumber of security issues categorized as critical.
majorIntNumber of security issues categorized as major.
minorIntNumber of security issues categorized as minor.
majorInt!Total number of security issues.


pageInfoPageInfo!Pagination data for this connection.
edges[CodeCoverageReportRepositoryEdge]!Contains the nodes in this connection.
totalCountIntThe total count of the nodes.


nodeCodeCoverageReportRepositoryThe CodeCoverageReportRepository object.
cursor[String]!The cursor to be used for pagination.


name[String]!The name of the repository.
id[ID]!The ID of the repository.
lcvMetricValue[Float]The LCV metric value for the repository.
bcvMetricValue[Float]The BCV metric value for the repository.
isLcvPassing[Boolean]Whether the LCV value is passing the threshold set for the metric.
isBcvPassing[Boolean]Whether the BCV value is passing the threshold set for the metric.


Compares the report value across different time periods.

labelString!A label for the trend. For example: “1 Month Ago”
valueInt!The value of the trend.
changePercentageFloat!The rate of change compared to the current value.


The following GraphQL interfaces & objects have been deprecated and will be removed soon.



Represents the report associated with an Account or Repository.

keyReportKey!This is an enum that is used to uniquely identify a report.
titleString!Title of the report.
currentValueInt!The current value of the reported statistic.
historicalValues[HistoricalValueItem]!The historical data of the report.
startDateDate!The start date for the historical values.
endDateDate!The end date for the historical values.
trends[Trend]!The trends across 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 12 months.



Represents a compliance report. Currently there are two compliance reports - OWASP_TOP_10 and SANS_TOP_25.

Implements the Report interface.

keyReportKey!This is an enum that is used to uniquely identify a report.
titleString!Title of the report.
currentValueInt!The current value of the reported statistic.
historicalValues[HistoricalValueItem]!The historical data of the report.
startDateDate!The start date for the historical values.
endDateDate!The end date for the historical values.
trends[Trend]!The trends across 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 12 months.
complianceIssueStats[ComplianceIssueStat]!This contains all data regarding the occurrences of the compliance issues.


keyString!The key of the compliance issue.
titleString!Title of the compliance issue.
occurrenceComplianceIssueOccurrenceCount!Denotes the count of occurences of various compliance issues.


criticalIntNumber of compliance issues categorized as critical.
majorIntNumber of compliance issues categorized as major.
minorIntNumber of compliance issues categorized as minor.
majorInt!Total number of compliance issues.


keyString!The key to uniquely identify the recorded value.
valueInt!The value of the recorded value.


dateDate!Date of the recorded value.
values[HistoricalValue]!A list of values recorded on the associated date.