VS Code

Perform analysis and resolve issues directly from the convenience of your VS Code environment.

DeepSource's integration with Visual Studio Code lets you to run comprehensive analyses, identify and address potential problems, and synchronize existing as well as new issues with DeepSource — all without the need to create a pull request.

In addition to issue detection, we have also introduced support for AI-based Autofix. With this feature, you can automatically generate fixes for your code health issues by harnessing the capabilities of AI.


  1. Open Visual Studio Code (VS Code).
  2. Go to the VS Code Marketplace by clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+X(Mac).
  3. In the Extensions view, search for "DeepSource" in the search bar.
  4. Click on the "Install" button next to the DeepSource extension in the search results.
  5. Wait for the installation to complete. You should see a notification confirming successful installation.


  1. Once the extension is installed, you should see the DeepSource icon in VS Code’s sidebar (usually located on the left-hand side).
  2. Click on the DeepSource icon to open the DeepSource panel.


  1. Upon opening the DeepSource panel for the first time, you'll be prompted to log in.
  2. For cloud users, click the “Connect to DeepSource” button. This will redirect you to the DeepSource website for authentication.
  3. For enterprise users, click “Connect to DeepSource Enterprise Sever”, and you'll be asked to enter the URL for your DeepSource installation in the prompt. After entering the URL, click on “Connect” to proceed.
  1. A browser window will be launched, taking you to the DeepSource login page.


  1. In the browser window, enter your DeepSource credentials (username and password) to log in.
  2. If it's your first time logging in, you might need to follow some additional setup steps, such as configuring repositories or setting up analysis preferences. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.

Extension activation

  1. After successful authentication, the VS Code extension should now be fully activated.
  2. The DeepSource panel in VS Code will display information about your currently open project, and any existing code health issues.

Run analysis in VS Code


  1. Make sure you have the DeepSource extension installed and activated in your VS Code, as outlined in the previous installation steps.
  2. Ensure that you have a project open in VS Code that meets the following criteria:
    • It should be a git repository.
    • The project should be activated on DeepSource. If it's not already activated, it will run in the Single Player Mode, where no existing issues from DeepSource cloud would be shown. The IDE won't do any baseline issue diffing too.

Single Player Mode

The extension automatically switches to the Single Player mode in the following cases:

  • When the current directory opened isn't a git repository.
  • When the project you're working on is not activated on DeepSource.

You'd be shown an info message when this happens

Baseline issue diffing isn't available in this mode, and you'll always see all issues in your current file.

If you're working on a project which is not activated on DeepSource, the extension won't pull the baseline issues. You can activate analysis from the DeepSource dashboard to keep cloud and local issues always in sync.

Activating analysis would also get rid on the Single Player Mode.

Activation Check

If your repository is already activated on DeepSource but the sidebar hasn't updated to show the DeepSource panel, click on the refresh button in the VS Code sidebar to trigger a refresh. This should load the DeepSource panel with the relevant information.

Accessing Commands

To see all available commands provided by the DeepSource extension, press Cmd + Shift + P (Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Shift + P) to open the VS Code command palette. Type "DeepSource" in the command palette search bar, and you'll see a list of DeepSource-specific commands.

Starting Analysis

DeepSource automatically analyses your currently opened file on every save.

You can also trigger an analysis by selecting the "DeepSource: Start analysis" command from the command palette, or click on the play button on the DeepSource sidebar's top-right section.

Viewing Results

Once the analysis is complete and the results are available, you should be able to see the results in the DeepSource side pane within VS Code.

The sidebar has two tabs:

  • Current file: Shows all issues detected in the file that is currently open.
  • Affected files: Shows all files where DeepSource has detected issues.

In the Current file tab, you'll notice two panes, each containing a set of issues for the currently open file:

  • Existing issues: Shows all issues in the currently open file that were already present in your file. If you're on your repository's baseline branch that's set on DeepSource, these issues would be identical to those shown on your DeepSource dashboard. In other cases, the existing issues would be the ones detected till the last commit pushed on that branch.
  • New issues: Shows all issues that were newly introduced by the programmer in the current branch. You should probably take care of these before pushing your code!
  • Syncing issues: Clicking on the refresh button on the sidebar's header will sync any issues from DeepSource cloud to your local machine. You can use this when analysis is triggered on cloud and you want to see the results locally.

When the DeepSource sidebar is open, all lines where DeepSource has detected problems will be highlighted.
To see the description for issues raised on a line, simply place your cursor on that line and a description panel will pop-up on the sidebar.

Pull Request and Cloud Analysis

  1. When you open a pull request or commit your code to a branch on an existing pull request, DeepSource will automatically schedule a cloud analysis run.
  2. After your pull request is merged, all "New issues" found in the branch will transfer to "Existing issues" in DeepSource cloud and your IDE.


Issue Descriptions

While the DeepSource sidebar is open, you can place your cursor at any line in the document to view descriptions of all issues associated with that specific line of code.

Extension Settings

You can configure the Extension's Release Channel, Issue highlighting and automatic analysis on every save via extension's settings.


Sidebar Highlight

The DeepSource extension only highlights issues in the VS Code sidebar when the DeepSource panel is active if you select highlights. Please, ensure the DeepSource panel is open while reviewing issues.

It is recommended to select both. Squiggly lines are shown even when the DeepSource tab is not open. It also adds the detected issues in the Problems tab.

Supported Analyzers

The IDE Extension only supports analysis for the following analyzers at the moment:

  1. Java
  2. JavaScript
  3. Python
  4. C#
  5. PHP
  6. Ruby
  7. Kotlin
  8. Swift
  9. Scala

We are actively working on adding support for rest of the Analyzers available on DeepSource.

IDE access for Enterprise Server

Since IDE Extension is in beta right now, it needs additional configuration for it to be used.
Follow the following steps to enable IDE extension for your team:

  1. Go to your installation's Admin Console

  2. Click on config → Manage Access to DeepSource → Enable beta features

  3. Enable/Disable the beta features and save the configuration.

    Once the configuration is saved, you'd need to redeploy with the updated config. Click on "Go to updated version" to find the version with updated config.

  1. Deploy the newly available version to apply the new configuration.

Once the deployment is successful, all your team members would be able to use IDE Extension in beta features are enabled.

AI-based Autofix

The VS Code extension offers Autofix, a powerful feature that provides automatic suggestions for fixing code issues. This feature utilizes artificial intelligence to intelligently propose code changes — enabling you to review and select the best-fit options that align with your coding style and preferences.


Autofix utilizes the capabilities of OpenAI's language model, offering automated suggestions. However, it's important to acknowledge that the results may not always be completely accurate, as the feature is currently in an experimental phase.

How to Use Autofix

  1. After locating a problematic line of code, you will notice an "Autofix" button at the bottom of the sidebar. Click on this button to trigger the Autofix feature.
    You can also trigger Autofix via the "Quick fix" menu.
  1. Once you have clicked the "Autofix" button, Autofix will begin generating suggestions for code fixes. The suggested fixes will appear in your editor one line at a time. Each suggestion is based on the AI's analysis of the code context and best practices.
  1. As the AI generates the suggested fixes, you have the flexibility to review each proposed change. You can accept or reject each suggestion by clicking on the respective buttons in the editor.


While Autofix offers valuable suggestions, it's essential to carefully review the changes before accepting them to ensure they align with the intended functionality of your code.


AI Autofix is disabled for all Enterprise plans at the moment.


Your feedback is invaluable in helping us refine and improve the extension further. If you encounter any bugs, hiccups, or have any questions while using the extension, we are here to assist you. Please don't hesitate to reach out for support by visiting app.deepsource.com/support for cloud users, or <HOST_URL>/support if you are on the Enterprise Server. Our dedicated support team will be glad to address your concerns and ensure a smooth experience with DeepSource. We appreciate your collaboration and look forward to hearing from you.