For example, there may be a function that has arguments that are not used anywhere in the function.

This will raise the issue Unused argument, with DeepSource issue code PYL-W0613. However, if the extra argument exists for the sole purpose of API consistency, it is better to ignore this issue. In order to silence this issue permanently in code, use the skipcq: keyword.

Silencing a specific issue

Add skipcq: as a comment with the issue’s short-code at the end of the line, or on the line above it to silence the issue.

Silencing multiple issues

To silence multiple issues on a line, add a comma separated list of issue short-codes after the skipcq: keyword.

Silencing all issues on a line

To silence all issues that could be raised on a line, use the keyword skipcq in the comment corresponding to the line.

This would prevent all issues from being raised on this line, which is probably not desired. We recommend using the keyword explicitly for the issues to be suppressed.

In conjunction with existing comments

Add skipcq at the end of the comment for the line.

If the skipcq comment is placed above the line, place as many comments or newlines between the skipcq keyword and the concerned line as needed.


While all the examples above are for Python, the skipcq keyword can be used for all analyzers.

This is the general format:

a line of code that raises an issue <comment identifier> skipcq: <issue code 1>, <issue code 2>

For example, to silence an issue on a line of Go code: